TMS Backup Pro is a backup and restore utility for Windows. It is not the type of application that backups your entire system and then restores it if something bad should happen to it. Instead, it is more of an app that you can use to create backups of certain directories on your computer. You can backup as many directories as you want, and the process is carried out for all of your active backup directories when you start it. For each backup "job", there are two different types of backups possible. The first one, called "Normal", copies all the new and modified files and directories. The other mode, called "Mirror", does the same, but it deletes files that are not found in the source directory. You would use this mode to create identical backups of a source folder.
Although the app doesn't look like it is easy to use, I can guarantee that it is. The list of backup sections might be overwhelming but all you need to do is click on the settings button to the right of each section to activate or deactivate that section and to set the preferences.
I like this app for its functions. It serves a different purpose than most other backup utilities. There are, however, two features that I didn't find, and that I would like an app like this to have. First, it doesn't seem to have any scheduling options whatsoever. Second, there is no folder monitoring. In other words, you have to manually start a backup job to make sure that your files and folders are backed up. more
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